
Male Great Frigatebirds, top left, are smaller than females, they have a patch of red skin at the throat called gular sac, which inflates in order to attract a female. Galapagos Tortoise, top right, is the most recognized symbol of the Galapagos Islands, they can weigh over 500 lb. and the shell can measure 59 inches, These land-based turtles can live for more than 150 years. The Galapagos Land Iguana, bottom left, grows to a length of three to five feet with a body weight of up to twenty-five pounds, has a 60-year lifespan and it can be found all over Galapagos islands. White-cheeked pintail duck, bottom right, feeds on small birds and insects as well as fresh-water vegetation in shallow ponds. Celso Bayo/ BayoPhoto


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